Game of the Month

This will be an ongoing effort of mine as a driving force for prototyping, learning and experimenting with game design and development. The task is simple: every month I try to develop a small game with some sort of learning objective or theme to drive the project.

Within this task are a few rules for me to follow. Each project must have a specific learning goal, and I only have a month per project. IIn addition, I'll be working to a strict schedule of having three days a week where I spend 2-3 hours working on the project. This means each month I'll spend between 24-36 hours working on these projects. The learning topics can be anywhere from "learning to use unreal engine" to "practice 3D modelling" or even "learn audio implementation in games". Some of these learning goals might be more guided or specific than others, but the idea of this is to have fun and learn many new things about how to make games!

The final piece of this effort is the dev log. There will be a public github repo that will hold all the game files and dev logs in them, and I will write a dev log every day I work on the project. These dev logs will be informal write-ups of what I've learned, my frustrations, thoughts and challenges when woring on these games. I want to start them with just a small life-update/intro, a goal for the day then a post-day write-up discussing what happened and what I learned from that development.


(412) 559-9702


1163 Firwood Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15243
United States of America